I stand on a lofty peak
Gazing my eyes at the World beneath me
Its been a long long journey reachin this high
And as I walked my way up, I saw the own me isolated from the realm
Its so true, that the person at the top is always alone,
And now I note the gravity that hauls me down…
I was never born to possess
I in my own modus and methods possessed
But what success am I talking about?
I’v hurt many on my way up,
Made some happy, made some sad
Kicked someone down, while pulled someone up…
I had lost the real me long time back
To regain the very same, I tried pleasing everyone….
Everyone…. But 1………
People find me full of love, friends find me the bestest…
Bt I cant charm just everyone
And I myself don't know whom I want to cheer for the moment…
I made a choice when I reached here
Either me being down, or either me up
And now I am at the apex….
With the same real me being inside me
But then why people refuse that its not me?
Have I gone amaurotic? That's what they say
I know this is not the state
I see everything apparently
I saw this minute coming
I saw what I was losing
But what I shudder at, is my paramour going away from me
Should I step down for you, or should I pull you up?
This choice I got to make…
I don't know where it would lead me to
I cant hurt anyone… And I cant please everyone
But yes, my determination speaks again
No matter what.. I see my world with me…
And I would continue doing the same
That one mistake in my life that I did years back
Is something that I am not going to repeat again
I am going to bring everything back…. To me again………..